The PPP Project Department of Longyuan Tiantai Resettlement Housing competed with time in the fight against epidemic situation!

Time : 2022-05-03

fourmonthtwenty-eightAt noon, an emergency announcement of the epidemic situation made the whole Tiantai County press the pause button: Tiantai County foundoneCases were positive for neocoronal pneumonia. The county immediately launched the emergency response mechanism.

rooftopPPPThe Project Department quickly established an epidemic prevention and control team led by Yu Linjun, the project manager, to conduct risk assessment, logistical support, safety assurance, and epidemic investigation. The team members were clearly divided into different roles, and all members entered the "wartime" state. In order to ensure the life safety of the staff of the Project Department and prevent the spread of the epidemic, we worked together to win the war of epidemic prevention and control!


Respond quickly and strengthen the epidemic prevention and control line


fourmonthtwenty-eightOn the afternoon of the th, the Project Department called together the management personnel to recall the on-site workers and quickly organized the nucleic acid testing of all the staff. Information check, sample collection, sample packaging and other links are busy but not disorderly, urgent and orderly, and all project management personnel are dispatched,twoCooperate with medical staff to complete the whole project department within half an houronetwotwo0Human nucleic acid sampling.


At the same time, the Project Department firmly controls all major imports and exports of the project, prevents external input, and strictly controls the internal, comprehensively killing the office area, construction site, and living quarters. Allocate epidemic prevention materials, distribute epidemic prevention supplies, contact the street to handle the pass, ensure the food supply, and all work is carried out in an orderly manner. The Project Department has begun to enter the closed management stage.


Charge ahead and show responsibility

fourmonthtwo9daytwo0spotfour0分,rooftopPPP项目部接到rooftop县住建局的紧急任务:援助始丰街道,落实小区封闭隔离措施。项目部管理人员和工人积极响应,党员、团员青年充分发挥了生力军作用,不到半小时,组织起一支threetwoPeople's assistance team quickly assembled to the scene for standby.

时间紧,任务重,五个小区、一条街道主干道、无数个大大小小的封堵spot。援助队伍与时间赛跑,通宵达旦开工,浓浓的夜色中,是一个个身穿The figure of the "Longyuan Construction" vest is busy. We must make every effort to complete the isolation measures as soon as possible. The faster we step, the higher the security of the lives of the residents. After nine hours and 4five minutes of hard work, the construction assistance task was fully completed.

Here, for all who fight day and night“战士们”spot一个大大的赞!


Circulate praise and encourage morale


"I am very proud of my contribution to the fight against the epidemic"! That's what everyone involved in the aid said. And everyone on the project is also supporting the anti epidemic war with their actions!


The epidemic continues and the fighting continues



